Olivia Ferguson and Myka Craig are learning to thread the new embroidery machine in Panther Plaza.
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
Panther Plaza
Tickets for Friday night’s games (Boys9th JV and Varsity) vs Ashdown will be available to purchase starting Wednesday morning at 8:00am in the ANNEX building. CASH ONLY All tickets are $5. You can only purchase a max of 6 tickets. Due to COVID 19 attendance will be limited
about 4 years ago, Scott Nipper
Tickets for Friday night’s games (Boys9th JV and Varsity) vs Ashdown will be available to purchase starting Wednesday morning at 8:00am in the ANNEX building. CASH ONLY All tickets are $5. You can only purchase a max of 6 tickets. Do to COVID 19 attendance will be limited.
about 4 years ago, Magnolia School District
The MHS turkey has a name: Juicy Leg Jango! JaNay Cross submitted the winning entry and took home the gift basket Nov. 19 for naming the school’s 12-foot tall turkey. Runners-up included Turkiana McStuffings submitted by Shay Jones, Alexander Hamandturkey submitted by Ashlyn Middleton, Chandler Bing submitted by Clara Beth Souter, Pumpkin Mcgobble Pants submitted by Kaleigha Fielstra, Wobble submitted by Taylar Smith, and Yung Gray-Ve submitted by Hannah Gunnels. The MHS cheerleaders helped organize the entries and presented the basket to Cross. The cheerleaders are sponsored by Mrs. Hannah Hurley. The gift cards and treats in the basket were donated by Shermar Easter of Easter Consulting. The Name-That-Turkey Contest was a November Spirit Event at MHS.
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
Cheerleaders and turkey
JaNay Cross wins turkey naming contest
Get those songs ready for our Carol Contest for the virtual Red and White Christmas Program!
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
MHS Carol Contest
MMS ANNOUNCES DROP OFF SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER 19 The intersection of Dudney and East North streets is currently being blocked to work on a broken gas line. The gas line has been fixed but the intersection will be blocked until further notice. To help alleviate congestion when dropping off students at MMS, parents are asked to use the following arrival times on Thursday 11-19-20. All drops off will be in the MMS parking lot. Please do not drop students off on McNeil street behind MMS. 8th grade 7:30 7th grade 7:45 6th grade 8:00
about 4 years ago, Scott Nipper
Dance team and band are having a blast teaming up and preparing for the pregame this Friday!
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
Dance team
The Name-That-Turkey Contest is underway. There's a giant turkey in front of the high school. All students in grades 9-12 can think of a good name for him and submit it to mhscheer@magnoliaschools.net. The winning name will be announced on Thursday. Don't forget to participate. There's a gift bag for the winner.
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
inflatable turkey
Sophomore Brooklyn Perry wins Panther Bear! Principal Chris Carter presents Brooklyn Perry with the Panther Bear, the prize in Grin and Bear It - a November Spirit Event at MHS. For two weeks, students could earn tickets from their teachers for answering questions, getting good grades, or showing spirit. Brooklyn's name was drawn Nov. 12 from several hundred tickets. Congratulations, Brooklyn!
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
Brooklyn Perry wins Panther bear
Mr. Carter presents Panther bear
If you are interested in ordering prints from the 2020 MHS Homecoming Court, please see the link below! http://apps.jrowephotography.com/2020HomecomingPrints/ If you have any questions, visit http://www.Facebook.com/JRowePhoto and contact for details. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Magnolia School District
2020 MHS Homecoming Prints ready to order!
MHS Swim & Dive is back in the water, first meet is today in El Dorado, Let’s Go Panthers!!
about 4 years ago, Kathleen Dingman
Magnolia High School Swim and Dive
REMINDER: ALL students are required to wear a face covering when riding the bus. Without one, they will not be allowed on the bus.
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
wear a mask
Grades 9-12 can "Name That Turkey" next week to win a prize! Email submissions Nov. 16-19 to mhscheer@magnoliaschools.net. Prize awarded Nov. 19!
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
Name that Turkey Contest
New merchandise just came in at Panther Plaza. Lots on new and newly marked down items to shop!
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
new merchandise
Teachers are still giving out tickets to students for the Panther Bear giveaway on Thursday!
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
Bear Drawing
Coach Beeson, Coach O’Dell, and Mrs. Smith’s lookalikes were spotted at the Freshman Academy today for Dress Up Like a Teacher/Coach Day!
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
Coach Beeson
Coach O'Dell
Mrs. Smith
Attention Virtual Seniors - please check your student email for information regarding senior portraits!
about 4 years ago, Amber Goodwin
The Freshman Academy office staff showed their Panther support today by dressing us as High School Musical 3 for Disney Day..."We're all in this together!"
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
Freshman Academy Staff
Parents to Seniors: Get your 2021 Senior Recognition Ad today!!! Deadline to pay and submit photos is 12/11. Go to Jostens.com or contact Ms. Goodwin for more information. Full page -$295 Half Page -$195 Quarter Page -$125 Eighth Page -$65
about 4 years ago, Amber Goodwin
Students in grades 10-12, over the next 2 weeks your teachers will be entering your names in a drawing for a Panther Bear Gift Set. You can be entered for being a leader, showing kindness, participating in class, making a good grade, being respectful, etc. The prize will be awarded on Nov. 12! We see what you're doing and we appreciate you!!
about 4 years ago, Magnolia High School
10th-12th Grade Drawing