Students from Mrs. Cornett and Ms. Vann's room participated in the FIRST EVER UCS Unified Track event held at Bryant High School. Unified sports give students with disabilities a chance to partner and train with an athlete who doesn't have a disability. They also compete together in different events. We are proud of all the athletes and happy to say we came in 4th place in our division! Way to go Panther's!
over 1 year ago, Grace Ann Cornett
Students that participated in the Unified Track
over 1 year ago, Misty Ward
Our teacher of the month for March is Mrs. Shelby Lamkin! Mrs. Lamikn is not only an outstanding teacher, but she is an outstanding faculty member. She is always on time, she faithfully does her duty, and she greets students at the door each period. She is very knowledgeable in her content area and goes the extra mile by recording her lessons and posting them on teams to support learning at home. She does a great job getting to know her students and supporting them in their learning. Thank you for all you do, Mrs. Lamikn!
over 1 year ago, Magnolia High School
TEacher of the month- march
Congratulations to our 12th-Grade Students of the Month for March!
over 1 year ago, Magnolia High School
12th grade students of the month- march
Congratulations to our 11th-Grade Students of the Month for March!
over 1 year ago, Magnolia High School
studnets of the month- 11th grade
Congratulations to our 10th-Grade Students of the Month for March!
over 1 year ago, Magnolia High School
10 gradt students of the month- march
Congratulations to our 9th-grade Students of the Month for March!
over 1 year ago, Magnolia High School
9th Grade Students  of the month- March
This week in the Magnolia READS Video Series, Magnolia graduates Jimmy and Travis Arnold, share the history of their multi-generational family business, Arnold-Baker Chevrolet. They discuss experiences as third and fourth generation family members who work to carry on the traditions and legacies set by the first and second generations. Click the link below to view the Arnolds’ video.
over 1 year ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Arnold-Baker Chevrolet
PANTHER ATHLETIC SCHEDULE UPDATE Today's Panther baseball game has been moved to Goodheart Field at SAU. The Panther softball game will be held at Panther Yard. Both games will start at 5:00 PM It will also be Senior Night for both Panther teams.
over 1 year ago, Magnolia School District
Leaping Panther
It's opening night for "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" at the Magnolia Performing Arts Center! Tickets are $10 at the door, and showtime is 7:30.
over 1 year ago, Magnolia High School
Youre a Goood Man, Charlie Brown!
Thank you to everyone in our community who purchased tickets for our MHS student council prom fundraiser!
over 1 year ago, Magnolia High School
Congratulations David Taylor
It's show week at MHS! Join us at the MPAC on Thursday or Friday this week. Tickets will be sold at the door for $10.
over 1 year ago, Magnolia High School
Charlie Brown Poster
BASEBALL/SOFTBALL SCHEDULE CHANGES The Panther baseball game scheduled for today vs. Red Water has been cancelled. The Panther baseball and softball make-up games scheduled for Thursday vs. Ashdown have been moved up to Wednesday due to weather concerns. Both games will start at 4:30 PM.
over 1 year ago, Magnolia School District
Leaping Panther
Congratulations to Collin Hampton and Lucas Cheatham who won first place and Big Bass (5.7 lbs) on DeGray Lake with 12.97 pounds total at the Trader Bill’s High School Trail on 4/15/23. They are currently a major contender for Team of the Year. This will be announced later this week. Go Panthers!🐾❤️🐾
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Fishing Team
Fishing Team
Congratulations to Sam Williams and Allison Rodgers! They both placed at the Arkansas Young Artists Association competition in Hot Springs last Thursday.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Sam & Allison Art Winners
Each year as East Side and Central Elementary Schools are participating in the Magnolia READS financial literacy event, the district and campuses also enjoy involving community members in the project. Many community members and parents are asked to be guest readers for chapters in this year’s book The Lemonade War. Another way community members are involved in the project is through the Magnolia READS Video Series. This year, the video series theme is “Multi-generational Family Businesses in Magnolia.” Business owners or employees, most of whom are Magnolia graduates or family members of Magnolia graduates, will share how their businesses began with the first generation to third and fourth generation family members who currently own or work in their businesses. Enjoy this year’s video series and the history of many of Magnolia’s family businesses. The first video comes from Jennifer Lewis Sanders, a 1988 Magnolia graduate, who shares how her family business, Lewis Funeral Home, began and is now owned and managed by the fourth generation. Click the link below to view Jennifer's video.
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia School District
Magnolia READS-Jennifer Lewis Sanders
*Teacher Spotlight* Mandy McIntyre brings the spirit here at MHS! On top of teaching College and Career Readiness, and Media Classes, she also leads our spirit team on our campus. Ms. McIntyre says, "I teach to help students experience success and to help prepare them for life after high school." Thank you Ms. McIntyre for all you do for our students at MHS!
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Educator Spotlight" Mandy McIntyre
The Columbia County Rotary Chapter sent 5 Magnolia High School Sophomore Students to Camp RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Camp) at the Arkansas 4-H Center this weekend. These students were selected by their teachers for being great students who show leadership potential. The students are Antonio Brooks, Breanna Mallory, Marquis Milner, Sh'Niya Watson, and Aneesa Williams. Pictured with our MHS Students are MHS Assistant Principal, Terry Sanders, and Rotarians; Whitney Peterson and Shamar Easter. The students will spend the next few days with about 70 other students from across the state learning about being leaders and role models.
almost 2 years ago, Mary Heinze
RYLA 2023
Time is running out to sign-up for our Career Awareness Fair! The deadline to sign-up is April 15th. We would love to have you join us!
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Career Fair
Shout out to our phenomenal Instructional Facilitators!
almost 2 years ago, Magnolia High School
Teachers Appreciating Teachers: Misty & Julie